Kay K. Fukushima Life Membership Award
Any person, club, firm, business corporation or organization donating $500 to the Foundation is recognized with the Life Member clock appropriately engraved and a label pin. This award is named for 2002-2003 Past International President Kay K. Fukushima whose philosophy helped create the Foundation and continues to stimulate leadership and community service.

Dr. Carl E. Burson Jr Legacy Award
Any individual donation of $250 to the Foundation is recognized with a handsome plaque appropriately engraved. This award honors PDG Carl Burson for his tireless efforts in youth and Lion programs.

Gordon Daniels Foundation's Award
Any person, club, firm, business corporation or organization donating $150 to the Foundation may be recognized with a handsome plaque appropriately engraved and a gold metallic lapel pin. Club donations include a LEF banner patch. This award in named after PDG Gordon Daniels whose inspiration and foresight created the Foundation.

Paul Shimada Leadership Award
An individual donation of $125 to the Foundation is recognized with a handsome gavel set appropriately engraved. This is an excellent incoming officer gift handmade from local hardwoods by PDG Nick Nichol. This award honors Lion Paul Shimada for his tireless efforts in youth programs.

Handmade Wooden Collapsible Podium
Any individual donation of $100 to the Foundation is recognized with a collapsible wooden podium. This is an excellent gift for speakers and presenters handmade by PDG Frank Dunn.
DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE - Any award may be made as a memorial recognition.